... somewhere between Sublime, Cake, G-love, Arrested Develoment, Spearhead and Parliament is where we hang out !! Funky backbeats with any and everything added on top: Reggae, SoCal Dub, Rock, Sitars, Traditional Irish... nothing is off limits. We love to weave pockets of improvisation with tightly crafted songs forming a perfect fit for the attention deficit generation. We like to call it "SHORT ATTENTION-SPAN THEATER" Sooo... What is Wookiefoot ?!? ("...it's a thought that's existing...") ... A Band?? Psychedelic Circus?! Artist collective??? Globe trekking Bliss Junkies?!?!... Well, it's all this and more...a high energy magical phenomenon sustained by a large beautiful family of players and believers. We are ordinary people being supported to do extraordinary things. Witnessing so many people around us discover their gifts, and providing an outlet for this spontaneous energy to erupt, remain our inspiration and joy that fuel this ship. We will drive this bus seeking this energy where ever it exists and resonate it where ever we are !! Thank you all for trusting us with this sacred play and believing us into whatever we wish to be in the moment. No matter where we are on the planet... this is our home...and you will find us here. Welcome Mark & Jojo http://www.wookiefoot.com/home.cfm